Friday, October 22, 2010


Man & Dog? 1. Can you start the day without caffeine of any kind?2. Can you stay healthy with diet or sleeping pills?3. Can you eat the same food for a daily meal continually and still enjoy it?4. Can you get through a year without boring anyone by telling them your problems?5. Can you deal with stress and tension without medical help or psychological advice?6. Can you sleep well without drugs?7. Can you relax without any alcoholic beverages?8. Can you treat all rich folks and poor folks exactly alike?9. Can you get over a whipping from your master, and be completely over it in less than 60min and not hold it against him?10. Can you take criticism and blame without resentment?11. Would you kill any of your babies simply because you didn't want to raise them?12. Would you "bite the hand of the master that feeds you"? Man must have several thousands of years of evo-lootion to go before he can reach the level of a DOG

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