Friday, October 22, 2010


Roman Catholic Traditions Beginningswhich none are in the Scriptures AD 310 prayers for the deadAD 375 veerate angelsAD 394 mass acceptedAD 431 worship of MaryAD 450 sprinkling of babiesAD 590 the papacyAD 593 doctrine of purgatoryAD 787 seven sacraments started (official 1439)AD 850 holy waterAD 857 popal infallibility suggestedAD 1090 saying the rosaryAD 1184 selling of indulgencesAD 1229 forbidden for any layman to read BibleAD 1414 the cup (wine) only for priestsAD 1546 Apocryphal official(The Apocryphal was never quoted by Jesus or the apostles.was not in the LXX. Josephus excluded it as being slipped in.Not found in any catalog of the OT canon until council of carthage, AD 397). AD 1709 tradition of kissing pope's feetAD 1865 immaculate conception

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