Monday, December 20, 2010


Mutations are rare (scientific fact). random, no improvements, no new information, except harmful, fatal, or neutral to species & off-spring.NO beneficial mution has ever been observered.Natural Selection is the elimination of harmful, worst and weak mutations.Mutations can only produce negative effects, natural selection removes negative effects. Evolution cannot succeed without mutations and cannot succeed with them.If mutations can't produce evolution, what do evoutionists have left? Sickle Cell Amemia is mutations resulting in damage passed to off-spring. Blood doesn't absorb enough food & O2.The person is less likely to get malaria, but 25% die of malaria, 25% got malaria.Average malaria deathsf normal people is 30%. No real beneficial mutation, and if then why the research for a cure? Mutation causes information loss, in the opposite direction for goo-to-you evolution, that requires new information.Mutations cause something terrible that destroy organisms in the 1st generation or soon after, they terminate the life process. Mutations produce 3 changes in genes or chromosomes:1. Alternations of DNA letter sequence in genes.2. Inversion, Translocation changes in chromosomes.3. Polploidy, haploidy: change in # of chromosomes.None for good. They say evolution is the result of natural selection + time workin on radom mutations.(Ruse 1973). Evolution requires million&million change, But if mutations are rare, scientists cannot be sure of mutations being true for evolution cause of they're rare and not observed.. Genetic Load: the increasing negative effects of mutation on living organisms, the defects are accumulating. "Handbook of Evolution", Ferrell. Ch 10, includes "28 reasons why mutations don't produce"."Refuting Evolution", Sarfati, Ch 5,10,11 "Mutations corrupt info already present" (Lind,2010,Science 330(6005):825-27"Mutations don't contribute anything positive" 1997,(Judaica Press, 143)"Model points all down hill", (Kimura, 1979, Nat Acad of Science. 76(7):3440-44)"Mutations absolutely guarantees .. loss of infomation" (Sanford, 2005, Ivon Press, 24)

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