Monday, October 19, 2009

the resurrection

1. Matt 28.11-15: Why bride the Roman guards to lie about what took place, if it didn't take place? That'd be a waste of Jewish money.
2. Matt 27.3-5, 65-66, John 20.24-25, Luke 22.38: How did 10 common people (disciples) overcome and beat up guards of professional Roman Legionnaires when they only had 2 swords?
3. Matt 28.13: How could the guards have stayed asleep with a 500 pound stone being rolled away?
4. John 20.6-7: What fool stealing a body out of a tomb guarded by "G- men", would take the time to unwrap the body and folding them up before taking away the body?
5. Luke 1.32, 2 Sam 7.13-16, 1 chron 29.23: How could Jesus Christ get any "throne" if He rotted in the tomb?
6. John 20.19, Acts 4.7-13: What converted cowardly apostles into bold public rebels? (A stolen body they buried somewhere?)
7. Acts 17.31, How could Jesus Christ judge anyone [everyone] when He rotted in the grave with buddha & mohammed?
8. Acts 5.21-28, 4.5-7, Matt 26.47, 28.11-14. Who did away with the body so good that the Senate of Israel with their officers, the roman garrison, and the general population could find one fingernail, toenail, hair, or bone in more than 1900yrs after His "disappearance"?
9. Matt 27.32. If He just "swooned" and came back to consciousness, how did He move a 500lb stone when He had been beaten so bad that He could hardly walk to the cross? Was He in better physical condition after 6hrs on the cross than before?
10. (see #2and #9) If the disciples were not there to help Him when He came out of the tomb, did He take on the roman guards alone?
11. 1 Cor 15.6, Luke 24.33-43. How did 500 people (witnesses) see Him and more than 20 disciples eat with Him , after He arose, if He didn't arise?
12. 1 Cor 15.6, Acts 3.6. How did the disciples get 500 eye witnesses to lie about seeing Jesus alive if He never arose? Did they bribe all of them? Which disciple would have that kind of money?
13. 1 Cor 15.16-19. If Jesus Christ did not come up, why would any fool consider Christianity as any kind of religion? Paul said such a person would prove to be a liar and that "that believer" would be the most miserable man on earth; a perfect description of Islam, 900,000,000 miserable, paranoid liars.
14. Account for MILLIONS of hymnals about a dead man? No songs about buddha, mohammed, elivs, einstein, or any pope, etc.?
15. Critical study of the NT and other sources for the history of the origins of Christianity means there is no place to hide.
16. The evidence for Jesus is so massive, we have got as much good evidence for Jesus as for anyone in history, and it all points back to the existence of Jesus, it's very well documented.
17. Early Christian belief in the resurrection force us to say it definity happened.
18. The four Gospels (in Greek) use different words again and again, they did not copy from each other.
19. Federal Evidence Rules prove the existence of Jesus and the truth of the Bible.



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